Finding Your Way


So much of life is confusing. We often struggle to understand our place in the world. But when I take the time to go to God in prayer, I’ve found peace in the eye of the storm of life.

This week’s article addresses one of the hardest issues to deal with, both as Pathfinder and as a leader. As a Pathfinder, it can be hard to fit in sometimes. Learning to enjoy parts of the program can be tough. But accepting the things you love and the things you hate is part of life. School is the same way. So, too, is work, church, marriage, and having kids of your own. Everything has good and bad parts.

As a leader, one difficulty is learning when to apply a rule and when to apply the principle. The principle of Pathfinders is to teach youth about life in every aspect. It’s a ministry. But the rules call for the removal of members that fail to meet basic requirements. Sometimes the person does need to be removed from a club to teach them a lesson about being committed.

My story in this week’s Guide, “A Place to Call Home,” is about a situation where commitment wasn’t the issue. Understanding the difference between rules and principles and how to apply them with wisdom and grace is the most important part of being a leader.

Here’s Jamila, who figures in my Guide story the and the rest of the Kindness Club a couple years after they graduated from high school. You can read “A Place to Call Home” in the January 13, 2018 issue.

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Finding Your Way

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