Characters for Waiting for You

Hey guys! I made this for my story series a while ago Waiting for You, and decided to post it. I included pretty much all the characters I’m planning on using, but I will probably be adding more later.

May Anderson: 

May is sixteen. She is one of the main characters of this book, so we’ll see a lot of her. She is in a boarding high school.

Ruth Martin:

Ruth is a headstrong, brave girl. She is sixteen, like her best friend, May. They both attend the same high school. She is another important character, so you’ll see a lot of her.

Emma Anderson:

Emma is twelve, and a very responsible girl. Her older sister, May is away at high school, and her younger two sisters and brother enjoy having her for an older sister.

Natalie Martin:

Natalie is Emma’s best friend. And both their older sisters are best friends. She lost her mom to cancer about a year prior. Her aunt Eliza moved in, and Natalie is slowly growing closer to God, with a lot of help from Emma.

Mr. Jeremiah Jones:

Mr. Jones is a wealthy business man. Emma’s father is in his employ. Recently, after the Anderson’s became Seventh-Day Adventists, he isn’t happy about his best employee’s beliefs. 

Mrs. Amelia Jones:

Mrs. Jones is a good mother to her only child, Anthony. When Anthony suffers from cancer, she learns to trust God, along with her husband. 

Anthony Jones:

Anthony is seven, and he has many trials at a young age. He is another important  character in the book.

Mr. John Anderson:

Mr. Anderson is Emma’s dad. He and his family recently became Seventh-Day Adventists. He works hard to provide for his family, and even though he and his wife struggle financially, they play an important part in helping their friends come to God.

Mrs. Hannah Anderson:

Mrs. Anderson is a good mother to her five children, and wife to her husband. We’ll see some of her life, because she plays an important part in the story, even though she works behind the scenes most of the time.

Judah Anderson:

Judah is Emma’s younger brother, and a mischievous eight year old. He comes up with the weirdest ideas, but he’s a good kid.

Mary Anderson:

Mary is four. She loves to “help” her mom in the kitchen. Her days are usually spent playing with her two older siblings, and playing with baby Bella.

Isabella Anderson:

Isabella is usually called Bella by her family. As the baby of the family, she doesn’t lack any love. She is almost a year old.

Pastor Andrew Todd:

Pastor Andrew is the pastor of Misty Brook SDA church, the church the Andersons attend. He doesn’t show up in the story for the first few chapters, but trust me, he does exist.

Dr. James:

Dr. James is Anthony’s pediatrician. He is a Christian, much to the dismay of Mr. Jones.

Dr. Elliot:

Dr. Elliot is a doctor who specializes in cancer, especially in children. He is in charge of Anthony’s treatment.

Nurse Ally:

Nurse Ally works at the local doctor office.

Nurse Trisha:

Nurse Trisha works at the cancer treatment center for children. Her bubbly personality encourages Anthony through the rough times.

Nathan Martin:

Nathan is Natalie’s younger brother. He is nine years old, and he and Judah love to play with each other.

David Peterson:

David is eight, and another of Nathan and Judah’s friends. He isn’t mentioned too much in the book, but I decided to mention him anyway.

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Characters for Waiting for You

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