Hello, I have another part of the Bible verse story. (Thank you sci_geeek for that idea.)
So, this is kind of continuing the other one (So if you haven’t read it, you can read it if you want. I’ll put the link at the end of the story) but it’s book 2. So if you didn’t read the other one, you won’t really be missing anything in this one. So, here it is.
Oh, the picture of the Ponderosa Pine Forest is above. It’s a real forest is British Columbia. I had to do lots of research for this one. 

Book 2 Noah’s field trip
Mark 16:18
“They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”
Noah turned around. Ahhhhhhhh! He screamed and jumped. A rattlesnake was by his leg.
11 year old Noah loved animals. Insects, mammals, birds, everything. He caught insects with his little sister Callidora and fed squirrels, and birds.
Although he was 7 years older, he still loved his little sister very much.
One morning, Noah’s school was planning a field trip. “Good morning class, today, we will be talking about biodiversity. Tomorrow is a field trip day. We will be going to the Ponderosa pine forest. But, we will talk more about that tomorrow.” The teacher said. After Noah reached home excitedly told his mom and his little sister about field trip. ” And I hope I see some chipmunks or even a tiger salamander!” ” I want to come with you,” Callie whined. “I am sorry but they wouldn’t allow me to take you out long but I will carry my camera and take photos of everything I see, ok?” “Ok…” She said sadly and went back to playing with her toys. The next day, Noah woke up very early and packed everything he needed. What could go wrong? In his class, he couldn’t even concentrate on his Math and English. He couldn’t wait. At last, the time came. The children lined up by the bus while the teacher read out the rules. “And lastly, stay on the path.”
30 minutes later, they finally arrived at the destination. Soon, they were walking down the path. Noah took photos of every interesting thing he saw. Mushrooms, trees, and he even got a good picture of a chipmunk. Soon, while the teacher was talking, he thought he saw a white headed woodpecker. Wow. I have to get a picture of that, He thought. The photo was blurry because the wood pecker flew. He followed it, forgetting the teachers rule: Stay on the path. Noah followed the bird, soon, he got a great picture. That’s when he realized how far he had gone. He started to shout, maybe someone would hear him. Rattle rattle. That sounds strange, he thought. Crunch. He stepped on something, Noah turned around screamed in pain. There was a rattlesnake at his leg. He fell down, dropping his Nikon camera.
Now: What should I do? I am stuck in the middle of the forest and a rattlesnake just bit me. Then, he remembered something. He was in Pathfinders and he learned that if you get a poisonous snake bite, you should stay still, tie your leg above the bite so the blood doesn’t travel around your body and kill you. He had a sweater and a few rubber bands in his backpack, he tied his leg with them and tried to stay very still. He sat down on a log. Where’s the snake? Noah heard a rustle and the snake was out of sight. How could I have forgotten? God knows where I am. I should pray. He will help me. ” God, it is getting late, I am lost and a snake bit me. I’m terrified. Please keep me safe and help me to find a way out or someone to find me. Don’t let me die. In Jesus’s name, Amen. Then, he waited. A few minutes passed Oh! I have my phone! I’ll call mom. Noah’s phone had data so he dialed his mother’s number. “Hello, Noah, are you having fun?” Her mom answered happily. “Mom!” His voice was anxious. “I’m lost and a snake bit my…” Beep, beep The phone cut off. “Hello?” His data was almost finished. I should have called one of my classmates, or the teacher. I hope she heard me.
Now: What should I do? I am stuck in the middle of the forest and a rattlesnake just bit me. Then, he remembered something. He was in Pathfinders and he learned that if you get a poisonous snake bite, you should stay still, tie your leg above the bite so the blood doesn’t travel around your body and kill you. He had a sweater and a few rubber bands in his backpack, he tied his leg with them and tried to stay very still. He sat down on a log. Where’s the snake? Noah heard a rustle and the snake was out of sight. How could I have forgotten? God knows where I am. I should pray. He will help me. ” God, it is getting late, I am lost and a snake bit me. I’m terrified. Please keep me safe and help me to find a way out or someone to find me. Don’t let me die. In Jesus’s name, Amen. Then, he waited. A few minutes passed Oh! I have my phone! I’ll call mom. Noah’s phone had data so he dialed his mother’s number. “Hello, Noah, are you having fun?” Her mom answered happily. “Mom!” His voice was anxious. “I’m lost and a snake bit my…” Beep, beep The phone cut off. “Hello?” His data was almost finished. I should have called one of my classmates, or the teacher. I hope she heard me.
Noah tried to stay as still as he could. He was too weak to make more noise. He soon started to feel dizzy. Then, everything turned black. Meanwhile, his mom Caroline was terrified. “Mom, we should pray. Doesn’t God hear all our prayers? He will keep Noah safe. Callidora said. They started to pray. The whole class was calling and looking for him. Soon, they called the police. They arrived 5 minutes later and started to search. After 30 minutes of searching, they found him, lying in the dirt. He was awake, but too weak to even get up. The paramedics took him and his things into the ambulance. They took him to the hospital. His parents and sister met him there later. After some tests, they saw that there was no venom in his body. His leg was swollen and bleeding but no venom had been injected. Since science was the last subject for the day, the other children got dropped home, without finishing the field trip. Noah was released from the hospital a few hours later and his mom took him home. “I’m sorry,” He said. “For what? You didn’t do anything.” His mother Caroline said. “If I hadn’t wandered off took take a photo of the white headed woodpecker, I wouldn’t have gotten lost or bitten. I accidentally stepped on the snakes tail so it was my fault why it bit me.” He replied. “Thank God you are safe and well, that’s all that matters.” Caroline said. When they reached home and ate dinner, Noah showed his sister and his dad and mom the photos he had taken. They looked great. A few photos were of the snake. He never even realized he took photos of the Western Rattle snake. “I must have accidentally pressed the button when I dropped the camera. But those photos look good.” Noah explained. At bedtime that night, they thanked God for answering their prayers, and that Noah was alive and well. After a poisonous snake bit him, there was no trace of venom in his body.
The End.
The End.
If you haven’t read the other one and still want to read it, here is the link:
Thank you for reading. I will try to post the next chapter of Big Bot this week. Warning! Spoiler. The next story/book of Big Bot will be: Big Bot gets a friend. Anyway, I’ll see you in the next chapter.