Alone, or am I?

I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a grain of sand.

I drift along in this lonely world.

Nothing special to catch people’s eye.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a flake of ice.

I float along in this lonely world.

So cold people draw away from my touch.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a drop of water.

I flow along in this lonely world.

Nobody notices if I make a difference.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a fluff of dust.

I sift along in this lonely world.

People only sneeze me away when I come near.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a mustard seed.

I drop along in this lonely world.

I’m overlooked for being so small.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a grain of sand

But God placed me in this world.

I am always catching His eye.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a flake of ice.

But God stirred me in this world.

He gave me cold to cool hot tempers.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a drop of water.

But God dripped me in this world.

He sees if I make a difference.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a fluff of dust.

But God drifted me in this world.

He uses me to stir people to action.


I’m a small speck,

I’m nothing but a mustard seed.

But God dropped me in this world.

He knows I will grow to great things.

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Alone, or am I?

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