Adventist Boot Camp Part 3

I dramatically open the door and walk out. I creep towards where the man was sitting. There was no sign of Jonathan. “You again?” The man says. I jump. How did he know I was here? “My brother is gone.” I say. The man gets up. “Gone you say?” He says. We go and check the rooms and then he instucts me to stay inside while he checks outside. The man curses under his breath. I gasp. No one should ever cuss. Annoyed I say. “Your lousy security made him leave. Now I’m alone.” “Go back to the room and STAY there. You skip all meals for the day. No brother, no work, no food.” The man drags me into the room and slams the door and locks it. I sigh. Thanks a lot Jonathan. Once again I try to call 911. But the cell service is not avaible. I start crying again. This just gets worse and worse. But wait! If Jonathan can leave then……HE CAN GET HELP! He better find civilization soon before I die of starvation. 
I lie in the room, bored to death, staring at my watch. It was 7:00am. Nothing has happened yet. My stomach growled in frusteration and hunger. I had no food or water. My throught what dry and my lips were chapped. Life will never get better.
 I creep out the door slowly, not disturbing Kenny. I look around for anyway I could escape. My eyes wander to the kitchen window. I tip-toe to the kitchen. The window had a little latch that I could easily open. Before I open it I whisper “I’m sorry Kenny.” Then I climb out. The stench hit me… HARD. It was horrible. Like 100 million skunks died out there. I almost passed out. “I have to do this for Kenny.” The sentence repeated over and over again as I climbed over the gate and run. I continue running for what feels like hours. As the sun peeks out, I see cars. I wave my hand wildly in the air. No one notices me. Then I see a sign. A 24 hour McDonalds only 5 miles away! With all the energy left in me, I continue running, chanting the sentence in my head. “I have to do this for Kenny.” 
Where is Jonothan? I wonder if he even made it out alive. Suddenly the door unlocks. I scream. “Get out and meet your  co-workers.” The man says. I slowly get up. Before I get out the door I ask. “Can I have food?” My voice sounds dry and desperate. “No brother, no work, no food.” He says again. “Atleast some water? I don’t know where my brother went!” I yell. “No brother, no work, no food, and no water.” He adds and chuckles. I groan. Jonathan better get me out of here fast.
Panting hard. I find myself in front of the McDonalds. The food posters on the front made my mouth water. I suddely realize I haven’t eaten since breakfast yesterday. I puch the door open and run to the girl waiting at the front desk. “Hello, and welcome to McDonalds! What would you like?” She says a little bit too entusiastically. I cleared my throught. “HELP! MY SISTER AND I WERE KIDNAPPED AND I ESCAPED, BUT PLEASE CALL 911 PLEASE!” I say. I start to cry. The girl gives me her phone. I quickly dial 911 and tell them. They say they will meet me at this Mcdonalds in 5 minutes. I hand her back her phone and pace around the empty fast food resturant. I was worried sick about her. Minutes later, the police come. “We’re this storage place! It took me like all night to get here.” I say. The police tell me to get in the patrol car.Then they let me call my mom. “Oh Lord! Jonathan? Are you okay?” She askes on the phone. “No mom! They have Kenny!” I say. I start crying. “Everything will be fine.” The policeman says as I continue to give him directions of where Kenny is.
I look up to see 2 skinny boys and 3 skinny to the bone girls standing at attention. “These kids have been here for about a year now.” The man says. “They are the ones who tracked you down.” I turn my hands into fists ready to punch those kids. How could they do that? I lift my fists and punch the boy who was smiling. He screamed and held his nose which is where I punched him. I can see bright red blood trickling down his selfish face. I manage to smile. “No, Kenny. We do NOT tolerate violence to eachother. Only I do that. Then the man slaps me hard. I fall down and start crying and shivering. Now I feel more cold then ever. The man then takes his gun and points it at my arm. “Go to the room now. I WAS going to give you a donut. But apparently, you’re not hungry. I go to the room and he locks the door. I kneel down and start to pray. I feel as if God has abandoned me. Then I hear sirens! Am I rescued? 
Read part 4 as soon as it comes out 😉

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Adventist Boot Camp Part 3

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