Adina quickly navigated through the bustling marketplace, pausing momentarily to admire a beautiful set of jewels displayed by a richly dressed man. She thought wistfully about how nice it must be to afford such lovely items. Absorbed in her daydream of a more affluent life, Adina didn’t notice when she bumped into a rough-looking man.
He spun around angrily, shouting at her while she lay sprawled on the ground, her self-made basket’s contents rolling in all directions. “Watch where you’re going, girl!” he yelled. The rude man then muttered a curse under his breath, loud enough for Adina to hear. She winced at the foul language. As he kicked her and walked away, a mild pain seared through her side, causing her to suck in her breath. Disgustedly, she thought, Ugh! Must have been one of those Galilee fishermen.
She brushed the dust off her clothes, feeling embarrassed as a crowd gathered around her. No one offered to help. “Um, excuse me,” she mumbled, forcing her way through the now-dispersing crowd and abandoning her basket and the fruit scattered across the ground.
Peter stormed into his house, mumbling complaints. His wife, Eve, quickly rushed over to his side and beckoned him to sit down. “What seems to be the matter, dear?”
“Nothing.” He seemed hesitant, then said, “I’ve just had a rough day. I only caught five fish this week! We are broke. But the worst part was that I took out my frustration on a girl who bumped into me in the marketplace today. Now, I feel horrible about it.”
As Eve massaged his knotted muscles, he put his head in his hands. Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door. Peter and Eve shared worried glances, then Peter sighed and slowly opened the door.
“Good afternoon, sir.” said a familiar voice. “I have come to collect your taxes.” Matthew, clothed in luxurious Eastern silk and sparkling gold rings, stood patiently waiting for a heavy pouch of silver.
“Ugh, not you again!” Peter said, rolling his eyes. “Look, I can’t pay you right now. I haven’t caught much this week. Uh, how about I pay you next week, alright?”
Peter was beginning to close the door, but Matthew stopped him. “I cannot wait another week, sir,” he said sternly. “You either pay me the fifty shekels you owe in three days, or I will have to send soldiers to arrest you. Is that clear, sir?”
“Alright, I get the point!” A glimmer of regret fluttered across Matthew’s face, but he quickly regained his composure and regally walked away.
Eve, who had overheard the two men’s conversation, flung herself into Peter’s arms and sobbed, “Oh, Peter! Fifty shekels! How in the world are we supposed to get fifty shekels in three days?!”
Peter wrapped his arms around his crying wife, trying and wishing he could protect her from the harsh realities of the world. “I don’t know, dear. I really don’t know.”
6 thoughts on “A Seed of Hope, Chapter 1”
Ooh, I like the suspense… Can’t wait for the next part
Oooh this is nice so far. I love the cover, it’s very pretty.
Thanks! I made the cover on Freepik!
Wow! This is such a great story! I love the way it’s written! It’s like you got it out of a book or something! Great job!!!! I can’t wait till the next chapter! 🤗
I usually don’t like altered Bible stories because they normally include speculative information, but this one is so suspenseful and intriguing that it sparks my curiosity.