
Audio Stories

A big "Thank you" to Guide author and radio presenter Charles Mills for sharing some of the stories he produced for radio. Click on the titles below to hear each story. Enjoy!

0.00 Min 0 lessons Mar 27, 2020
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Mar 27, 2020
0:00 Min
Songs Track


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Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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