The Biggest Upset

As March Madness is happening simultaneously all over America right now, the results of some games may been seen as an upset. However after one game in New Mexico, I found the biggest upset.

After #3 seed New Mexico lost to #14 seed Harvard, the Internet lit up with tags, hashtags, and photo tags of this stunning loss. (They hadn’t yet seen #2 seed Georgetown lose to #14 seed Florida Gulf Coast.) Even Jeremy Lin got in on the action:
The sad part about all this though is the reaction of one particular writer for New Mexico. In an open letter to the team, he compliments them all and then undercuts them all by essentially saying that they were all losers and how disappointing of a team they are, but it doesn’t stop there. The writer then goes on say that he will no longer be writing for the team because he doesn’t believe in them any more.
New Mexico losing to Harvard isn’t the biggest upset, it’s the fact that this writer put his trust in the wrong thing. Psalm 20:7 says that some put their trust in chariots but we trust in the name of the Lord. That’s awesome! It’s fun to have favorite sports team, but don’t get too carried away with it. Like sports and love God.
Happy Sabbath!

By David Robinson

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