Romans 8:38 – Nothing Can Separate You From God’s Love

Romans 8:38 does an excellent job of explaining the different things that can keep us from God’s love. Spoiler alert: it’s nothing.

Have you ever been lost anywhere? I remember one time during a soccer game, I lost sight of my mom, whom I affectionately called “mommy” at the time. I felt horrible. Because I could no longer see her, I felt as if she wasn’t there. Thankfully, I was able to find her. But I never forgot that feeling of separation. It’s like a big part of you just goes missing all of a sudden.

In Romans 8:38, Paul reminds us that there is NOTHING that can separate us from God’s love. Not death, life, angels, or demons, etc. So take confidence in knowing that God will never leave you or forsake you. He’ll be your ever-present help when you need.

By David Robinson

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