Philippians 4:13 – Tommy Morrissey

Golf is definitely one of the hardest sports out there. Although you’re really only competing against yourself, the concentration it takes is super hard. I recently came across a story of a young golfer that’s only six years old! His name is Tommy Morrissey.

What makes Tommy special is that he was born with only one arm! Tommy had the opportunity to challenge some of the world’s best golfers to a contest. The contestants had to line up 55 yards from a pin and whoever hit the ball closest won, the catch is all of the golfers had to use one arm just like Tommy!

In life we’re all battling something, and the fact that Tommy was brave enough to play through his disability has inspired many. After learning about Tommy, I figured if he can play golf with one arm then I should be able to try something that’s out of my comfort zone.

A Bible verse that will always encourage me when I’m in the midst of trying something new is Philippians 4:13; at times I have to remind myself that Paul, who wrote this literally meant all things are possible with God behind us! It doesn’t matter the obstacles that we encounter, because the creator of everything on earth is giving us strength to overcome whatever we do. Let’s remember Tommy’s bravery when we have something in front of us that we think is impossible.

By David Robinson

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