Fantasy Island

Way back when our parents were young, there was this show on tv called, “Fantasy Island.” In the show, if you paid the right amount of money, you could go to this island and have your wildest dreams come true. Presently, the Real Madrid soccer club is trying to duplicate the process.

The building project is known as The Real Madrid Resort Island. It costs – get your pinky fingers ready – $1 billion dollars to construct and it won’t be ready until 2015, but trust me, I think it’ll be worth the wait. Check out the promo video for it:

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I think it’s cool that one of the most popular soccer clubs is building this fantasy resort, but what’s even cooler is that God has been working on a building project of His own as well. In the first part of John 14, God reassures us that He’s going away to prepare a place for us, a place with mansions and things beyond our imaginations. The great thing about God’s building project is that we don’t have to pay any money to get in, all He asks us for is our loyalty. To me, that’s much easier to give than anything else.

By David Robinson

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