Doing the Dirty Work

Brandon Williams was stuck in a stinky situation.

The Baltimore Ravens recently signed Brandon Williams to their roster and he was more than happy to accept. According to an interview I read, he apparently used to transport and clean portable toilets! To Brandon, it was good money and way to help his family out financially. Brandon even admits that sometimes he got a little poop on him while moving the portable toilets, but he just imagined that he was in a football game to distract himself. Now that he’s signed to an NFL team, Brandon is once again doing the dirty work by working the hardest and doing the jobs that no one else wants to do. Good luck, Brandon!
It’s interesting to see what lengths people are willing to go through to succeed. What are the “dirty” jobs that help you become a better Christian? Maybe it’s talking to the kid in class who acts a little weird. Or maybe it’s sitting by someone different at lunchtime. There’s hundreds of these “dirty” jobs that you can do, you just have to be willing to do them.
Happy Sabbath!

By David Robinson

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