The Decision

Earlier this year, LeBron James held a press confernce for the media. He entitled it “The Decision.” In it, he would announce to the world what team he was going to play for that season. 

This year another decision was made, but this was more important than anything LeBron had to say. The girl in the picture (above) is Alyssa Crook.  She suffers from a rare disease called Multiple Pterygium Syndrome, which affected her speech and caused her to have a problem in her leg. The problem got so bad that Alyssa decided to make a serious decision; she decided to amputate her leg.

It was a tough decision, but she firmly believes that God helped her make her tough decision. Two months later, she came back stronger than ever! Today, Alyssa wears her prosthetic leg proudly!

Could your faith allow you to make such an important and critical decision? 

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